About Us - The XYZ Show
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About Us

The XYZ Show uses puppetry and witty satire to challenge corruption, lack of transparency, intolerance, and poor service delivery in Kenya and beyond.

The Show features political, business and social leaders as latex puppets.  Our viewers enjoy funny short skits that reveal new information and perspectives about current affairs. 


The XYZ Show has received awards for:

– Best TV Series – Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards, 2013

Best TV Animation – Kalasha Awards, 2019

Some members of The XYZ Show’s crew celebrate an Award


A team of highly skilled and dedicated individuals from the Kenyan media, arts and culture scenes come together to produce The XYZ Show.

Some members of The XYZ Show’s production crew


The XYZ puppets are manipulated by a uniquely skilled and experienced team of puppeteers. The puppeteers have amassed decades of experience working with different types of puppets in a variety of projects around the world. Check them out at the Kenya Institute of Puppety Theatre.

Some puppeteers with The XYZ Show puppets


The XYZ Show is produced by Buni Media.

Buni Media is a multimedia production company that uses the power of storytelling, media, and creative expression to fight for an open and accountable society, participatory governance, Freedom of Expression, and to grow the creative ecosystem.


To contact The XYZ Show, send an email to producers@bunimedia.com and capacity@bunimedia.com.